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  • Invited talk of Chair Professor Yo-Ping Huang (23 Feb., 2021)
  • date:2021-02-19
  • 發佈單位:cis11支會 原始連結
  •  IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, Taipei Chapter, 邀請 Chair Professor Yo-Ping Huang 前來演講。


    Title: AIoT and their Applications to Healthcare Systems Design 

    Time: 13:30-15:00 PM, Tuesday, 23 Feb., 2021 

    Place: 國立陽明交通大學、賢齊樓 國際會議廳   

    Prof. Huang serves as the IEEE SMCS BoG, Chair of the IEEE SMCS Technical Committee on Intelligent Transportation Systems, and the Chair of the Taiwan SIGSPATIAL ACM Chapter. He was the President of the Taiwan Association of Systems Science and Engineering, the Chair of IEEE SMCS Taipei Chapter, the Chair of the IEEE CIS Taipei Chapter, and the CEO of the Joint Commission of Technological and Vocational College Admission Committee, Taiwan. He received the Most Active TC Award, the Outstanding Chapter Award from IEEE SMCS, and Outstanding Chapter Award from IEEE Taipei Section. He is an IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow, CACS Fellow, and an International Association of Grey System and Uncertain Analysis Fellow. 詳細演講資料如附檔。

    聯絡人: 柯立偉 教授 Chair of CIS, TC 國立陽明交通大學  e-mail: