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  • 2019年IEEE人工智慧電路與系統國際研討會
  • date:2019-05-02
  • 發佈單位:cas04支會 原始連結

    The rapid growth and revolution of AI not only profoundly changes human life and thinking model but also becomes the driving force for a new round of semiconductor industry transformation. It creates a new powerful engine in computing and application systems, and reconstructs the dynamic activities from cloud servers to edge devices and from system level to circuit level. Facing this influential trend, challenges, and opportunities, this 1st AICAS conference launched by the IEEE CAS Society was established to facilitate the state-of-the-art research, innovation and development activities at the frontiers of artificial intelligence circuits and systems. It serves as the best platform allowing scholars, technological researchers and enterprises from both domestic and international communities to exchange experiences, demonstrate their studies and further advance AI technologies on circuits and systems.

    We are honored and privileged to organize the first edition of this annual conference and gather up to 300 experts from 22 countries. This year we receive a total of 137 papers consisting of 99 papers for the Regular Sessions and 38 for the Special Sessions. Out of 137 papers, 51 papers have been selected for Regular Sessions and 23 papers have been selected for Special Sessions, respectively, yielding an acceptance rate of 51% and 60.5%.

     The program is widely involved with 4 keynote speeches, including Professor Kaushik Roy from Purdue University, Dr. Chekib Akrout from Synopsys, Dr. Ryan Chen from MediaTek and Dr. Anthony Vetro from MERL, give us several insightful and thought-provoking speeches about the application of AI to edge computing and to optimize devices, circuits and systems. The five tutorial sessions, we seek to share the broader knowledge involved with neural network compilers, neuromorphic AI, memory-centric chips, and cognitive computing. The seven special sessions focus on discussing smart circuit techniques, edge and fog computing, analytics algorithms, neuromorphic circuits and systems, and AI in advanced applications. Nine Lecture Sessions and two Poster Sessions will bring up-to-date information about deep neural networks, hardware accelerators, signal processing techniques, and medical AI.

     WICAS & YP, the Industry Forum for YP & WIE, to address the topic of “Influences of EDGE Device’s Instant Decision: From Bio-Tech, FinTech to Sustainable Energy & Beyond.” The Panel Discussion discussed how the emerging AI computing will play an important role in smart life. The Industrial Session is focused on emerging technology for embedded AI computing platforms and the compiler technologies for AI chips.

     We hope this stimulating and proactive program will help all participants generate better ideas for possible collaboration projects, improve or advance current study or practice, and to exchange experiences, demonstrate study results, and further advance AI technologies on circuits and systems.


    人工智慧(AI)的快速發展和革命不僅深刻地改變了人類的生活和思維模式,而且成為新興半導體產業轉型的動力。它在計算和應用系統中創建了一個新的強大引擎,並重建了從雲端伺服器到邊緣設備以及從系統到電路的動態活動。面對這一有影響力的趨勢,挑戰和機遇,IEEE CAS Society啟動第一屆IEEE人工智慧電路與系統國際研討會(AICAS 2019),旨在促進人工智慧電路和系統領域的最新研究、創新和開發活動。藉由此平台讓來自國內外的學者、技術研究人員和產業界彼此交流及分享經驗,展示他們的研究成果並進一步推動電路和系統上的AI技術。

     我們很榮幸能獲得第一屆的主辦權,彙集了來自22個國家的300名專家。今年,我們共收到137篇論文,其中包括Regular99篇論文和Special Session38篇論文。在137篇論文中,51篇論文被選為Regular session23篇論文被選為Special Session,接受率分別為51%和60.5%。

     大會議程包含4個專題演講,分別為來自學術界普渡大學的Kaushik Roy教授、業界SynopsysChekib Akrout博士,聯發科的Ryan Chen博士和MERLAnthony Vetro博士,為我們提供了一些有關AI應用於邊緣計算以及優化設備,電路和系統的深刻見解和發人深省的演說。5Tutorial中,談論有關neural network compilers, neuromorphic AI, memory-centric chips, and cognitive computing的現況及趨勢。7Special Session探討了smart circuit techniques, edge and fog computing, analytics algorithms, neuromorphic circuits and systems, and AI in advanced applications.9Lecture2Poster session將提供有關deep neural networks, hardware accelerators, signal processing techniques, and medical AI的最新研究資訊。

     WICAS & YP主題為Influences of EDGE Device’s Instant Decision: From Bio-Tech, FinTech to Sustainable Energy & Beyond.” The Panel Discussion 探討新興的人工智慧計算扮演了智能生活中的重要角色。Industrial Session著重於emerging technology for embedded AI computing platforms and the compiler technologies for AI chips.
