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Vol. 19
  • 2012 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM)
    • Actuators, Automotive Systems, Aerospace Engineering, Bioengineering, Data Storage Systems, Electronic Packaging, Fault Diagnosis, Human-Machine Interfaces, Industry Applications, Information Technology, Intelligent Systems, Machine Vision, Manufacturing, Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems, Micro/Nano Technology, Modeling and Design, Motion Vibration and Noise Control, Neural and Fuzzy Control, Motion Control, Optimal and Adaptive Control, Opto-Electronic Systems, Planning and Navigation, Prototyping, Real-Ti
  • 2012 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference (CSQRWC)
    • As one of the most important annual academic conferences in communication science and technology for Chinese not only Cross Strait Quad-Region but also all over the world, the conference receives great concern from all fields. Due to experience accumulation and inheritance by host and assisting units, the scale of the conferences is getting larger and larger; the ever growing numbers of paper contribution and conference participants suggest a convincing fact that the academic conference is drawing intense a
  • 2012 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS)
    • There is an explosion of research activities in life sciences, physical sciences and engineering with application to medical problems in recent years. Such activities require inter-disciplinary collaborations among scientists, engineers, medical researchers and practitioners. This conference is the premier forum where everyone can share results and innovative solutions.
  • 2012 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC)
    • The conference will cover the entire scope of microwave engineering, including passive and active microwave components, devices, circuits and modules, MMICs, RFICs, EMC/EMI, antennas and propagation, and any other microwave related topics.
    • 第七屆智慧生活科技研討會
      • 智慧生活科技之發展,以人文科技為基礎,以優質的E化生活服務為導向,面對未來居家環境、居家照護、安全監測、建築物能源自給及節能等智慧生活空間等議題,希望藉由電機、電子、資訊、通訊、自動化等相關產業技術的導入,結合人文關懷,建構安全、健康、便利與舒適的生活環境。國立勤益科技大學承續傳統,延續規劃舉辦「第七屆智慧生活科技研討會」(ILT 2012)。推動各學術團隊在智慧生活科技研究領域之交流,並提供研發成果發表及合作交流之平台,歡迎國內相關產學專家共襄盛舉。本屆研討會包括專題演講及論文集發表(具ISBN序號)並設有「最佳論文獎」獎勵優秀之論文。錄的案例探討。
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  • 發行單位: 國際電機電子工程師學會中華民國分會(IEEE Taipei Section)
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