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Vol. 16
  • 2012 International Symposium on Biometrics and Security Technologies (ISBAST)
    • Currently the applications of computer science are filled with our daily life. So the computer system security has become very important. Therefore, the purpose of this conference is to provide a meeting forum for outstanding researchers to discuss with computing technology, biometric technology, and information security research.
  • 2012 International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems and Application (VLSI-TSA)
    • CMOS, SiGe bipolar, and BiCMOS ICs, DRAM, SRAM and non-volatile memory, Merged logic and memory, SOI material and devices, Device and interconnect reliability, Process and device modeling, Advanced lithography technology, TFT technology, Advanced packaging technology, RF devices and technologies, Advanced process technology, Interconnect and 3D Integration technology, High-k and low-k materials, Nanoelectronic devices/technology, Organic electronics and photonics, Steep Subthreshold devices and other energy

  • IEEE台大學生分會 3E求索系列講座
    • 本會議一開始,先由分會長 黃至敬,進行IEEE之推廣及簡介。從「What's IEEE」談起, 介紹其組織概況和會員費用及福利等相關主題,積極邀請與會學生加入IEEE Student Member 之行列。之後,再簡介IEEE NTUSB之現況及未來預計舉辦之活動內容和時間表,並將學生 分會本次幹部群介紹給大家認識。
Why joining IEEE? 看看十大好處!
  • 歡迎各會員提供人才招募資訊置放於電子報版面,意者請洽IEEE Taipei Section
  • 發行單位: 國際電機電子工程師學會中華民國分會?(IEEE Taipei Section)
  • 秘書處: 秘書長 蘇順豐教授 助理 邱詩評
  • 電話: (02)27333141 ext 7717 或 (02)27363727
  • Email: spchiu@mail.ntust.edu.tw